The Atlas Group (1989-2004)
A Project by Walid Raad

The Atlas Group was a project undertaken by Walid Raad between 1998 and 2004 to research and document the contemporary history of Lebanon, with particular emphasis on the wars of 1975 to 1990. Raad found and produced audio, visual, and literary documentation that shed light on this history. The documents were preserved in The Atlas Group Archive which is located in Beirut and New York and organized in three types of categories: [cat. A] refers to documents attributed to individuals; [cat. FD] stands for documents attributed to anonymous individuals or institutions; [cat. AGP] is the abbreviation for documents attributed to The Atlas Group itself.  The schema reproduced in the opening pages of the book offers a snapshot of the archive and its contents.

The feature you are about to explore presents a selection from the works presented in the archive. We hope that you enjoy the tour. If you wish to view the entire exhibition kindly browse the archive's website: