The Dome of the Rock
85 x 58 cm
Oil on Canvas
Courtesy of Zalatimo

Daoud Zalatimo, 1906-2001

Daoud Zalatimo, 1906-2001

Jerusalem, Palestine

Daoud Zalatimo was born in Jerusalem in 1906. He lived and worked in the city all his life and was inspired by its character, features and history.  He studied at School of Teachers in Jerusalem and later his completed few courses in Haifa during the British Mandate.  Having completed his education in Palestine he traveled to the United Kingdom where he undertook various courses in art, obtaining certificates in oil painting, drawing, metal, leather, and wood-work. On his return to Palestine he taught art and crafts in different educational institutions. He was influential in instituting an art curriculum during the period of Jordanian rule when he worked for the Ministry of Education as art consultant.  As his work expanded and became well acknowledged, he was hired as an art consultant for UNESCO in Libya.

Zalatimo was known for his generosity as he gave many of his paintings to friends and family.  However a significant number of works were lost after an exhibition in Lod when the city was ceased by Zionist forces in 1948.  A large number of paintings which were showed in different schools were lost during 67’s war and the occupation of Jerusalem.  Zalatimo painted many different subjects that included landscapes, portraits and historical themes.  He passed away in Jerusalem in 2001.