Cascading are the words, pushing, shoving, the meanings resonant, racing, interlacing, calling: S. B. R. three Arabic letters, in this sequence and only in this sequence intuitively weaving, their flowers blooming by the grace of their patience, their capacity to support and endure. SABR; gliding towards this most patient of plants S A BB A R; Cactus, Prickly Pear or the Tamarind, as drop by drop it accumulates its bitter juices to stay alive for the coming rains. And so, it becomes bitterness and so it lends its name to a food that has turned bitter, A SS A BR A , preserved for the next season. And when it stands in the wake of what is holy, it carries one of God's ninety nine glorious names; S A B O R. And so as the Cactus culls its meanings from the language, it digs its roots deep into the earth and becomes a hedge between two fields, dividing space, drawing frontiers, separating and distributing the earth that bears its symbol obstinately growing wherever it has been before. The SABBAR is more than a cactus....It is a philosophy of Life.
Emmanuelle Ricard Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Labored was their breathing on the road to Qana:
Here, our Lord passed by one day. Here, He transformed the water into wine.
Many were the words they said about love. My son, remember tomorrow; Crusader castles, bitten by the blades of grass of forgetfulness After the soldiers have gone
The Eternity Of The Cactus Mahmoud Darwish |