Abu Habib's Shop
A festival of colors, textures, materials and smells … Abu Habib’s shop is a modest, crossvaulted,
windowless room in the Old Town of Ramallah … across from the Greek Orthodox
Church. A paraphernalia of products is stocked within, reaching to the ceiling, flowing out
towards the street through an unconstrained show of goods that hang freely on both sides
of the entrance: pots and pans, children’s’ footwear, brooms, straw hats, plastic bowls …
all create the famed image of Abu Habib’s shop’s facade. The clientele find their heart’s
desire there from pajamas to garbage containers, embroidery threads, pencils, ladies’ bags,
electric light bulbs, notebooks, pins and needles, and endless lists of things. Today, with the
urbanization of Ramallah and the sweeping change towards globalization, Abu Habib’s shop
has become a prominent landmark, preserving the old scent and memory of the city that was.
At Abu Habib’s one can find the unfindable!
Location : Ramallah
Date of work : 2010