A Tale of love & Revolution
Burhan Karkutli
My daily concern is the search for unity and harmony of my images – whether my graphics express a dramatic, critical, political or traditionally aesthetical content. It seems to me as though I have to continuously restart this search from scratch. In this time we find in the Arab countries a kind of Arab Renaissance. Within this framework there is an attempt to give a new Arab style to the various fields of art and culture, which is free of the heritage of colonial influence. With this series I want to contribute as a painter to provide an answer to the question in which direction this renaissance could move and where we could start with this new orientation. Here I refer to the historical Arab popular painting, which is widespread in all Arab countries and which I would like to revive in this way. I have drawn from various Arab sources: from calligraphy as well as oriental and peasant carpets, from the civilizations of the Near East and Islam, from the Arabesque and Andalusian arts and also from the art of the Arab peasant. From these different artistic styles I have tried to find a new Arab form without closing my eyes to modern directions of art. But this was only half the way: this Arab form-attempt becomes mature for me when it serves a political or revolutionary content. Unfortunately, several Western art critics have misunderstood this attempt as “folklore” or “naïve painting” Burhan Karkutli
Material : Ink on Paper
Location : Frankfurt
Date of work : 1971