Area C, the Distant Landscape.
Yazan Khalili
Yazan Khalili
Statement: What does it mean to travel around the Area C with a camera? How does the relation with the landscape construct itself through the vehicle, the camera, the road, the light, speed and vision? Area C is a space in motion, its continuous motion is its political production, the infrastructure of movement became the landscape itself. This continuous movement and changes doesn’t allow the Palestinians to achieve a shared national narrative or a shared national history in or by the space. Area C is a landscape in exile.
The Camera in this sense isn’t documenting distance, but rather the disappearing distance, the un-involvement of the traveler in the production of the space he is passing through, it changes his position from passing through the landscape to passing by Area C. Area C becomes an image of a landscape, the asphalt becomes the only landscape, its black color, its white lines, its cutting through the mountains, its lights, the railing on its sides, its signs, etc.
It seems that all what we are doing through photography is collaborating with the process of forgetting that the occupation has been imposing on us (we the natives of this land), documenting our disappearance. But can’t this continuous process of travelling and taking photos be also seen as a trial of reclaiming existence and belonging to a distant landscape? A kind of insistence on being there? Of enjoying it or what is left of it? Maybe by this transient existence we establish another permanent one, we become the inhabitants of the road.
Material : Images from a landscape in exile .
Location : BZU Museum
Date of work : 2010